Buyer’s Guarantee / Silicone-Sexy-Doll Assistance

A buyer’s Guarantee and Assistance is applied to each of the orders made at

What is the Buyer’s Guarantee at ?

The buyer’s guarantee at guarantees that, if there is an error in your order or a significant defect on delivery of your sex doll, we will commit to finding another solution: assistance, replacement, exchange and repair with no extra charges for our customers.

"If the product does not comply with the description, we commit to finding a solution". 

How do we guarantee order compliance?

Unlike most other dealers, we visually inspect each doll ordered on our site, from head to toe. I recommend that you read all the information about our service quality: quality control of love dolls from

To best reduce the risk of errors, we offer:

systematic quality control check by our staff at the workshops where our love dolls are manufactured (this service is systematic and FREE).  

We also ensure that all the little things that you could have requested have been included in compliance with your wishes.  

We give a lot of importance to the quality and expertise behind our dolls. We only work with authentic serious manufacturers. We select the best ones for you. We never ship a doll we are not proud of.

How to benefit from the Buyer’s Guarantee from

As soon as you receive you doll, inspect it from head to toe. If you notice an error in your order or an important defect, contact us within 48 hours by mail or post with your order number. Ideally, you can send good quality photos and / a video. Following your email, we guarantee an answer within 48h. After studying your problem, we will offer a solution in the shortest possible timeframe.

Important, if you have a problem, keep your doll in its new condition, unused and in the original packaging. Returns will be systematically refused if the doll has been used for sexual purposes prior to sending.

The Assistance Guarantee at

Our structure was created in 2015, just enough time to build serious experience in the sale, maintenance, and repairs of each doll we sell. Our experts have very precise knowledge of each model and its specificities. That is why we offer this Assistance service to each of our customers. All you need to do for that is to detail your problem by email with photos / videos. You will receive a reply within 48h at the latest.

Why is it easier with us?

80% of our competitors’ sites are located in Hong Kong. Other than the fact that they cannot guarantee an all-inclusive price, these offshore dealers will not be able to offer for you to return the article. At present, it is impossible to return a product categorized as a sex toy to China. A lower price at this sort of competitor is often explained by their lack of experience and low level of service.
Our legal presence based in France guarantees the possibility to be assisted closer to home. You will therefore be sure to have a contact with a very good level of expertise and available all day by email, online chat or telephone.

What is not covered under our guarantee and why?

  • Minor skin imperfections: imperfections on the skin of your doll may appear in the un-molding process. They are generally discreet.
  • Unstuck nails: we inspect fingers and nails carefully before shipping. Nevertheless, the solidity of the fixing product is deliberately not total, to avoid even worse damage in case of snagging. Nails do become unstuck sooner or later in the lifetime of a love doll.
  • Stuck eyelashes: your doll is delivered with an eye protection mask to protect her delicate eyelashes. If an eyelash becomes unattached, use our glue for eyelashes and nails to stick it back on.
  • Suspected damages: There will be no exchanges for new dolls if the damages are considered to have been inflicted by the owner.
  • Poor treatment: If your doll is damaged because of bad handling or lack of care.
  • Dolls which have been used for sexual purposes. Given the nature of the product, no returns will be accepted in this specific case.

Sex doll by