To get to know us better here is an interview with our co-founder and sales director Sebastien Chevrier.
Hello Sebastien, can you present yourself briefly?
Hello, my name is Sebastien Chevrier, I am 35 years old.
How did you get the idea of opening your on line store?
Being a great fan of anything to do with
Japanese culture, I was attracted (like many others) by the mysterious universe of
Japanese adult love dolls. Many trips to the “Land of the Rising Sun” convinced me of the necessity to import these magnificent creatures for Europe, US, Canada, Japan, Australia... Having had very web oriented professional training and with a spirit of entrepreneurship, I therefore decided, with the help of my business partner, to make my job enjoyable as well as useful by launching two on line stores dedicated to the sale of these products: and
Today we offer a great deal of high quality hyper real dolls in silicone or TPE (custom-made by the manufacturers WMDOLLS, ORDOLL, YOURDOLL, Z-ONEDOLL, CLIMAX DOLL). After our success on the French and European market, we are taking an extra step forward in our development strategy by offering the same level of service to an international market.

Our company in a few figures...
Company name SCAG 2.0 SAS
Registration number: 815 242 136 00019
- Creation in 2015 ...
- A company on a human scale...
- Two offices based in France ...
- More than 2000 customers ...
- Physical quality control of 100% of products...
- 97% of our customers 100% satisfied!
Please tell us some more about your customers?
That’s a very interesting question. The majority of our clients are obviously males. The typical client is very informed about what’s going on in the sex doll market. His profile is that of a man who passionately loves women. That is why we can easily identify with our clients and create a privileged relationship with them. Our clients are of all ages and from all social backgrounds; absolutely anybody can come to purchase a love doll.
And to go a little further in the analysis, I remain convinced that we all come into contact with (often without knowing it) someone who owns a love doll. Among our clients there are single men looking for company, couples wanting to spice up their relationship, artists looking for sexy models but also true collectors.
We are far from the stereotype of the sexually lost lonely man that society wants to impose on us: communication with our clients is very courteous and greatly appreciated by our teams. The love doll is a lot more than an upgraded sex toy; the love doll is a real escape and refuge for tenderness, pleasure and sharing.
Can you tell us a little more about your adult dolls?
We do a lot of prospection in order to offer our clients what is best on the market. As I said previously, we work with 5 manufacturers who are internationally renowned for the esthetics, realism, reliability and professionalism of their sex doll products.
We work closely with these 5 manufacturing workshops to give our clients’ requests (customization for example…), to carry out quality control and to negotiate unbeatable prices for the French and US markets.
The objective is simple: offer our clients what we would like to receive.
Is there really a 0% health risk?
Absolutely. All the material used and the manufacturing techniques comply with CE and RoHS health standards. TPE as well as silicone are hypoallergenic materials.
How do your competitors behave? How do you differ?
Competition on the adult sex doll market is quite fierce. All dealers do not necessarily display the degree of transparency that each client is entitled to have given the investment to be made. A love doll is still a luxury item and therefore the client has the right to know about it.
As far as we are concerned, we distinguish ourselves from our competitors by clearly displaying who we are, where we are from and where we want to go. This interview is obviously an integral part of this approach.
We understand how important it is to introduce ourselves in a few lines so that you know exactly who you are dealing with.
For example, we clearly indicate the origin of each of our dolls. Obviously we have all the authorizations to sell the models of the brands we offer.
We are French and we legally exist in France via the French company SCAG 2.0 SAS. Many of our competitors, even if they are French, are in fact representatives of offshore companies based in Asia (see their legal information). Purchasing through this type of structure exposes you to some risks: there may be no possibility of returning a product in the event of a dispute.
Our company offers all clients a pledge of security for each purchase. The client can easily sue us in the event of a dispute: we offer purchasing protection via PayPal payment.
This PayPal protection secures and reassures our clients. It can be used in the event of delivery of a product which does not comply with the one the client ordered. To illustrate this fact, this year we received a complaint which resulted in the full refunding of an order. This type of scenario is never pleasant. It did however help us to progress. We carry out an even more thorough check which is directly done at our manufacturers’ sites. This quality control is done by ourselves or by a team of contractors we have mandated for each of our orders. We systematically refuse to deliver a love doll which does not correspond to the expected level of quality.
To sum up, and not wanting to boast our qualities too much, I do believe that there are quite a lot of aspects in which we are clearly above the “ghost” internet dealers.
How do you interact with your clients?
On this point, we offer our clients full availability, reactivity and assistance before, during and after purchasing. Our team of experts is available to answer any questions in total transparency and discretion. An on line chat is directly available in our on line store to offer the possibility of talking to an expert at any time.
What are your projects in 2017?
We are constantly looking for what is best on the market and we prospect every day in the aim of offering this to our clients. We are currently working on the US market project as well as the installation of a showroom to present our products. So we have quite a lot going on which, I hope, will delight all those who love human size silicone dolls. So, more information on its way very soon…
A final word?
Well, thank-you for this interview which, I hope, will have shed a light on our activity, our passion and our investment.
I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank each of our clients for their trust and their feedback concerning their purchases.
I’ll be back very soon.
Interview carried out on 15.09.2016 by Adrien.